We made it! Well done everyone on getting through exams and another school year. I hope everyone gets lots of time this summer to lie on the grass in the sun with a notebook and do some writing.

This is my idea of summer

And if you want some inspiration, check out the new Fighting Words NI podcast! It’s on YouTube or Spotify. The first three episodes are up and feature me interviewing three of our Write Club members. Predictably, I was bricking it at the prospect of hosting my first ever podcast but the TikTok generation took it all in their stride and delivered three incredibly professional interviews. Honestly, I wanted to take notes, their advice and tips were so wise and inspirational. Please pass the link on to your young writers, I think they’ll enjoy hearing from writers their own age on things like self publishing, writers block, planning your novel, book recommendations, and being in a writing club.

And if they need a project over the summer, Paper Lanterns are running a short story competition! There are 2 age categories and prize money. The theme is ‘Glow’ and the deadline is 1st August so that should keep everyone busy through July!

Have a great summer everyone, and happy writing!