January is all very well but September has always felt like a much more exciting New Year to me. Probably because of the stationery. So what better reason to buy some super sharp new pencils and… start a Creative Writing Club?

If your school doesn’t have one already, there are SO many good reasons for starting one.

  1. It’s hugely beneficial educationally and psychologically to be creative. You’ll be giving your students such an important gift.
  2. It’s also an amazingly relaxing, heart-warming, and bonding experience just to sit in a room with a bunch of people quietly putting their thoughts on paper. And when they share those thoughts with you it’s honestly such a privilege and a joy.
  3. It’s SO much fun! Teenagers have incredible imaginations and ideas. My group inspire me constantly by coming up with stuff I could never have thought of. My mind is regularly blown.
  4. You get tea and cake!
  5. You get to hang out in the library after school like the cool kids in The Breakfast Club.
  6. It doesn’t cost a thing!
  7. It’s super easy!